A collection of episodes with videos, codes, and exercises for learning the basics of the Perl programming language through genomics examples.
Greetings! Thank you for joining us.
Here, you will find a series of episodes featuring examples from genomics to help you learn the basics of the Perl programming language. No prior programming experience or knowledge of genetics is required.
Each episode includes a video and a working code highlighting a particular aspect of Perl in the context of a genomics problem. The progression from episode to episode is nearly linear. After completing the final episode, you will be able to download a genome file from NCBI, and search and tally intricate motifs.
Perl for Biologists arose out of a bold initiative launched ten years ago at the University of Miami to increase the number of physician-scientists. The innovative undergraduate PRISM (Program for Integrated Science and Mathematics) program includes a semester-long course in computing. The material herein constitutes about one-third of this course - Computing for Scientists.
Mastering a programming language is best accomplished through active participation. As you watch each video, please code along with us, pausing as needed. It is critical to complete all exercises, as they enable you to assess your progress towards becoming an independent computational scientist.
In closing, we would like to express our gratitude to those who have contributed to both the conception and the realization of Perl for Biologists. Colleagues Dimitris Papamichail and Burt Rosenberg, as well as former graduate assistants Andreas Seekircher and Justin Stoecker, helped with the development and testing of earlier versions of this material. Through their enthusiastic participation, our students aided us in fixing our ideas and setting realistic bounds for our own enthusiasm. In the final stages of the project, we benefitted from the assistance of Ziya Arnavut, Brian Coomes, Jason Glick, Denizen Kocak, Nancy Lawther, Joseph Masterjohn, Kenneth Palmer, Odelia Schwartz, and Stefan Wuchty.
Computational science is a flourishing frontier. It is our hope that Perl for Biologists episodes will allow the subject of computational biology to come alive and tempt you to explore it further.
Hüseyin Koçak and Basar Koc
Department of Computer Science
University of Miami
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # File name: hello_perl.pl # # A line starting with # character is a comment and not interpreted # by Perl. The first line of code containing the location of perl is # an exception to this rule. Use comments liberally in your codes. # Our program will simply print: Hello Perl! # # Version: 2.1 # Authors: H. Kocak and B. Koc, University of Miami # References: # http://www.perl.org # ------------------------------------------------------------------ print "Hello Perl! \n";[csc210@boston myPerl]$ ./hello_perl.pl Hello Perl!
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # File name: scalars.pl # # With use strict; variables must be declared with keyword my. # Scalar variables in Perl start with $ sign followed by letter(s) # and combination of letters, digits or underscore (no white spaces). # Scalar variables can hold numbers or strings (in double quotes). # # Version: 2.1 # Authors: H. Kocak and B. Koc, University of Miami # References: # http://perldoc.perl.org/perldata.html # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_fluorescent_protein # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exon # ------------------------------------------------------------------ my $human_genes; $human_genes = 20000; # Not 20,000 or 20 000 my $exons_per_gene = 8.8; my $protein_name = "GFP"; my $protein_seq = "MSKGEELFTG..."; print "Humans have approximately $human_genes genes\n"; print "The protein sequence of $protein_name is: $protein_seq\n"; my $human_exons = $exons_per_gene * $human_genes; print "Average number of human exons: $human_exons\n"; $human_genes = $human_genes + 500; print "Human genes: $human_genes\n"; # After changing $human_genes, recalculate the average. $human_exons = $exons_per_gene * $human_genes; print "Average number of human exons: $human_exons\n";[csc210@boston myPerl]$ ./scalars.pl Humans have approximately 20000 genes The protein sequence of GFP is: MSKGEELFTG... Average number of human exons: 176000 Human genes: 20500 Average number of human exons: 180400
#!/user/bin/perl -w use strict; # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # File name: buggy.pl # # This short Perl code contains a number of intentional bugs. Correct # them with the help of the error messages. # # Version: 2.1 # Authors: H. Kocak and B. Koc, University of Miami # References: # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_bug # ------------------------------------------------------------------ my $human genes = 20000 my $protein_name = "GFP; print "Humans have approximately human_genes genes\n"; print $protein_name" stands for green fluorescent protein\n";[csc210@boston myPerl]$ ./buggy.pl -bash: ./buggy.pl: /user/bin/perl: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # File name: print.pl # # print collects strings in double quotes separated by commas # until the end of statement character ; # print function while outputting text enclosed in double quotes # replaces the variable names with their values (interpolation). # print does not interpolate text inside single quotes, everything # is printed as is. # \n is for new line and \t is for tab. You can escape (overrule its # special meaning in perl) a character by prefixing it with # backslash \, e.g. \" \\ # # Version: 2.1 # Authors: H. Kocak and B. Koc, University of Miami # References: # http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/print.html # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASCII # ------------------------------------------------------------------ my $human_genes = 20000; print "You have $human_genes genes\n"; print ("You have $human_genes genes\n"); print "You have "; print "$human_genes"; print " genes\n"; print "You have ", $human_genes, " genes\n"; print "You have \"$human_genes\" genes\n"; print 'You have \"$human_genes\" genes\n'; print "\n"; my $bell = chr(7); print $bell;[csc210@boston myPerl]$ ./print_out.pl You have 20000 genes You have 20000 genes You have 20000 genes You have 20000 genes You have "20000" genes You have \"$human_genes\" genes\n
gggtgcgacg attcattgtt ttcggacaag tggataggca accactaccg gtggattgtcCreate a Perl program that stores this sequence without the blank spaces in a string and prints out the string in lower case and also in upper case letters.
__ | \ |\ | /\ |__/ | \| /--\
Personal challenge: Design your own letters to print out your initials.
#!/usr/bin/Perl -w use strict my $firt 10_bp = "gggtgcgacg"; my $second_10_bp = "attcattgtt"; $gene = "BRAC2"; print 'The first 20 bp of $gene are"; print "$first_10_bp$second_10_bp\n";so that it prints out:
The first 20 bp of BRAC2 gene are gggtgcgacgattcattgtt
printf "FORMAT", VARIABLES;FORMAT examples are: %15s field of width 15 for a string; %6d for an integer of width 6; %4.2f for a floating number with 4 digits to the left and 2 digits to the right of the decimal point.
Now, using the statement
printf "%15s %10s %10s \n", "Amino acid", "1-letter", "codon";as a template, write a Perl code that prints out the table
Amino acid 1-letter codon --------------- ---------- ---------- Serine S AGT AGC Cyteine C TGT
The sprintf function takes almost all of the same options of printf, but it returns the formatted string rather than printing it. This functionaly if useful for storing a formatted string in a variable. Please consult the Perl documentation for further information on option on formats.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # File name: scalars.pl # # With use strict; variables must be declared with keyword my. # Scalar variables in Perl start with $ sign followed by letter(s) # and combination of letters, digits or underscore (no white spaces). # Scalar variables can hold numbers or strings (in double quotes). # # Version: 2.1 # Authors: H. Kocak and B. Koc, University of Miami # References: # http://perldoc.perl.org/perldata.html # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_fluorescent_protein # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exon # ------------------------------------------------------------------ my $human_genes; $human_genes = 20000; # Not 20,000 or 20 000 my $exons_per_gene = 8.8; my $protein_name = "GFP"; my $protein_seq = "MSKGEELFTG..."; print "Humans have approximately $human_genes genes\n"; print "The protein sequence of $protein_name is: $protein_seq\n"; my $human_exons = $exons_per_gene * $human_genes; print "Average number of human exons: $human_exons\n"; $human_genes = $human_genes + 500; print "Human genes: $human_genes\n"; # After changing $human_genes, recalculate the average. $human_exons = $exons_per_gene * $human_genes; print "Average number of human exons: $human_exons\n";[csc210@boston myPerl]$ ./scalars.pl Humans have approximately 20000 genes The protein sequence of GFP is: MSKGEELFTG... Average number of human exons: 176000 Human genes: 20500 Average number of human exons: 180400
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # File Name: arrays.pl # # Arrays are lists of scalars. Array names begin with @. Arrays are # defined by listing their contents in parentheses, separated by # commas. The contents of an array are indexed beginning with 0 (not 1). # Negative index looks from the end of array. # To retrieve the elements of an array, replace the @ sign with a $ # sign, and follow that with the index position of the element you want. # (It begins with a dollar sign because array entries are scalars.) # # Version: 2.1 # Authors: H. Kocak and B. Koc, University of Miami # References: # http://perldoc.perl.org/perldata.html # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNA_codon_table # ------------------------------------------------------------------ my @stop_codons = ("TAA", "tAG"); print "Stop codons are @stop_codons \n"; my $first_stop_codon = $stop_codons[0]; print "First stop codon is $first_stop_codon \n"; $stop_codons[1] = "TAG"; print "Second stop codon is $stop_codons[1] \n"; $stop_codons[2] = "TGA"; print "Stop codons are @stop_codons \n"; my $length_of_array = scalar @stop_codons; print "The length of the stop codons array is $length_of_array \n";[csc210@boston myPerl]$ ./arrays.pl Stop codons are TAA tAG First stop codon is TAA Second stop codon is TAG Stop codons are TAA TAG TGA The length of the stop codons array is 3
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # File name: hashes.pl # # A hash is a variable type akin to an array that can hold a number # of values. However, instead of indexing values with integers, it # uses a unique name, called a key, for each entry. The name of a # hash begins with a percentage sign. A hash is defined by # comma-separated pairs of key and value, with a "fat arrow" in # between. # If you want to see what keys are in a hash, you can use the keys # function with the name of the hash. This returns a list containing # all of the keys in the hash. The list is not always in the same # order, though. # Code below illustrates some of the basic operations with hashes. # # Version: 2.1 # Authors: H. Kocak and B. Koc, University of Miami # References: # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Restriction_enzyme # http://perldoc.perl.org/perldata.html # ------------------------------------------------------------------ my %restriction_enzymes = ("EcoRI" => "GAATTC", "AluI" => "AGCT", "NotI" => "GCGGCCGC", "TaqI" => "TCGA" ); print %restriction_enzymes; print "\n"; my @key_list = keys %restriction_enzymes; print "@key_list\n"; # To get a list of values my @value_list = values %restriction_enzymes; print "@value_list\n"; # To fetch any value from a hash by referring to $hashname{key}, # or modify it in place just like any other scalar. my $EcoRI_value = $restriction_enzymes{"EcoRI"}; print "The recognition site of EcoRI is ", $EcoRI_value, "\n"; # To add to an existing hash $restriction_enzymes{"EcoRV"} = "GATATC"; @key_list = keys %restriction_enzymes; print "@key_list\n"; @value_list = values %restriction_enzymes; print "@value_list\n"; # To delete an entry with a given key delete $restriction_enzymes{"EcoRV"}; @key_list = keys %restriction_enzymes; print "@key_list\n"; @value_list = values %restriction_enzymes; print "@value_list\n";[csc210@boston myPerl]$ ./hashes.pl NotIGCGGCCGCAluIAGCTEcoRIGAATTCTaqITCGA NotI AluI EcoRI TaqI GCGGCCGC AGCT GAATTC TCGA The recognition site of EcoRI is GAATTC NotI AluI EcoRV EcoRI TaqI GCGGCCGC AGCT GATATC GAATTC TCGA NotI AluI EcoRI TaqI GCGGCCGC AGCT GAATTC TCGA
push(@codon_array, "GAT");Now, redo the previous problem using the push function.
The pop function of Perl pops and returns the last value of an array, shortening the array by one element:
$last_element = pop(@codon_array);Analogously, the unshift and shift functions add or remove elements at the start of an array.
@sorted = sort @unsorted;By default, the elements are sorted lexically in standard string comparison order.
Modify your Perl code in the previous problem so that your code prints out the codons sorted lexically.
@unsorted_numbers = (21, 13, 0, -3.1, 21, 33, 2); @sorted_numbers = sort { $a <=> $b } @unsorted_numbers;with the relational comparison operator <=> for numbers and the special variables $a and $b.
Now, write a Perl program to sort the unsorted array of numbers above, and print the sorted array. Experiment with or without the block option { $a <=> $b }.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # File name: length.pl # # length() function takes a string as an argument and returns # the number of characters in the string. # Code below computes the number of nucleotides in a DNA segment. # # Version: 2.1 # Authors: H. Kocak and B. Koc, University of Miami # References: # http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/226377833?report=fasta # http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/length.html # http://perldoc.perl.org/index-functions-by-cat.html # ------------------------------------------------------------------ my $zika_DNA = "AGTTGTTGATCTGTGTGAGT"; my $zika_DNA_length = length($zika_DNA); print "The first $zika_DNA_length nucleotides ", "of Zika virus is $zika_DNA \n";[csc210@boston myPerl]$ ./length.pl The first 20 nucleotides of Zika virus is AGTTGTTGATCTGTGTGAGT
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # File name: index_function.pl # # index() function has two forms: # index(string, substring) searches for substring inside string # from the beginning of string; it returns the index (position) of the # first character of substring inside string. If substring is not # found, index returns -1. # index(string, substring, starting_position) searches for substring # inside string from starting_position, not from the beginning. # uc(string) returns string in all uppercase. # lc(string) returns string in all lowercase. # Code below computes the index of start codon in a DNA segment. # # Version: 2.1 # Authors: H. Kocak and B. Koc, University of Miami # References: # http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/NC_012532.1?report=genbank # http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/index.html # ------------------------------------------------------------------ my $zika_DNA = "catgtgtgacgccaccatga"; print "Zika DNA segment is $zika_DNA \n"; $zika_DNA = uc($zika_DNA); print "Zika DNA segment is $zika_DNA \n"; my $start_codon = "ATG"; my $first_index = index($zika_DNA, $start_codon); print "First start codon index is $first_index \n"; my $second_index = index($zika_DNA, $start_codon, ($first_index + length($start_codon)) ); print "Second start codon index is $second_index \n"; my $last_index = rindex($zika_DNA, $start_codon); print "Last start codon index is $last_index \n"; # index return -1 if cannot find it. $start_codon = "atg"; my $start_lc = index($zika_DNA, $start_codon); print "Start codon $start_codon index is $start_lc \n";[csc210@boston myPerl]$ ./index_function.pl Zika DNA segment is catgtgtgacgccaccatga Zika DNA segment is CATGTGTGACGCCACCATGA First start codon index is 1 Second start codon index is 16 Last start codon index is 16 Start codon atg index is -1
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # File name: substrings.pl # # substr(EXPR, OFFSET, LENGTH) function returns a substring from # the string in EXPR. The OFFSET argument is the index of the starting # position of substring and LENGTH is its length. # Negative OFFSET starts extraction that far from the end of EXPR. # Negative LENGTH omits that many characters from the end of EXPR. # If LENGTH is absent, then the substring to the end of EXPR # is returned. In all cases, string in EXPR remains intact. # Code below locates the first start codon ATG, than extracts the # next two codons from a DNA segment. Also it extracts the last three # nucleotides. # # Version: 2.1 # Authors: H. Kocak and B. Koc, University of Miami # References: # http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/NC_012532.1?report=fasta # http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/substr.html # ------------------------------------------------------------------ my $zika_DNA = "CATGTGTGACGCCACCATGA"; print "Zika DNA segment is $zika_DNA \n"; my $start_index = index($zika_DNA, "ATG"); print "Start codon index is $start_index \n"; my $first_codon = substr($zika_DNA, ($start_index + 3), 3); print "First codon after start codon is $first_codon \n"; my $second_codon = substr($zika_DNA, ($start_index + 6), 3); print "Second codon after start codon is $second_codon \n"; # Negative starting point counts from the end of the string. my $last_codon = substr($zika_DNA, -3, 3); print "Last codon is $last_codon \n";[csc210@boston myPerl]$ ./substrings.pl Zika DNA segment is CATGTGTGACGCCACCATGA Start codon index is 1 First codon after start codon is TGT Second codon after start codon is GAC Last codon is TGA
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # File name: reverse.pl # # reverse(STRING) returns the reverse of STRING. # # Version: 2.1 # Authors: H. Kocak and B. Koc, University of Miami # References: # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primer_%28molecular_biology%29#/media/Fi # http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/226377833?report=fasta # http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/reverse.html # ------------------------------------------------------------------ my $zika_DNA = "CATGTGTGACGCCACCATGA"; print "Zika segment\t\t $zika_DNA \n"; my $reversed_zika_DNA; $reversed_zika_DNA = reverse($zika_DNA); print "Reversed zika segment\t $reversed_zika_DNA \n";[csc210@boston myPerl]$ ./reverse.pl Zika segment CATGTGTGACGCCACCATGA Reversed zika segment AGTACCACCGCAGTGTGTAC
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # File name: concatenation.pl # # Binary operator "." concatenates two strings. # The code below concatenates the first four codons for GFP. # # Version: 2.1 # Authors: H. Kocak and B. Koc, University of Miami # References: # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RNA_codon_table # http://www.abcam.com/recombinant-a-victoria-gfp-protein-ab84191.html # ------------------------------------------------------------------ my $GFP_amino_acid_seq = "MSKGEELFTGVVPILVELDG...HGMDELYK"; print "Green fluorescent protein sequence: $GFP_amino_acid_seq \n"; my $M_codon = "AUG"; my $S_codon = "UCA"; my $K_codon = "AAA"; my $G_codon = "GGU"; my $RNA_sequence; $RNA_sequence = $M_codon; $RNA_sequence = $RNA_sequence.$S_codon; print "RNA sequence: $RNA_sequence \n"; $RNA_sequence = $RNA_sequence.$K_codon; $RNA_sequence = $RNA_sequence.$G_codon; print "$RNA_sequence could code amino acid sequence MSKG \n";[csc210@boston myPerl]$ ./concatenation.pl Green fluorescent protein sequence: MSKGEELFTGVVPILVELDG...HGMDELYK RNA sequence: AUGUCA AUGUCAAAAGGU could code amino acid sequence MSKG
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # File name: transliteration.pl # # The binding operator =~ binds a scalar expression to a pattern match. # tr / / / changes all occurrences of characters in the first cell to # the corresponding characters in the second cell. # The code below converts a DNA segment to RNA. Also it computes the # complementary strand. # # Version: 2.1 # Authors: H. Kocak and B. Koc, University of Miami # References: # http://perldoc.perl.org/perlop.html#Binding-Operators # http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/tr.html # http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/226377833?report=fasta # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNA # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RNA # ------------------------------------------------------------------ my $zika_DNA = "CATGTGTGACGCCACCATGA"; print "Zika DNA segment is $zika_DNA \n"; my $zika_RNA; $zika_RNA = $zika_DNA; $zika_RNA =~ tr/T/U/; print "Zika RNA segment is $zika_RNA \n"; print "\n"; my $zika_DNA_complement = $zika_DNA; $zika_DNA_complement =~ tr/ACGT/TGCA/; print "Original segment: $zika_DNA \n"; print "Complement segment: $zika_DNA_complement \n";[csc210@boston myPerl]$ ./transliteration.pl Zika DNA segment is CATGTGTGACGCCACCATGA Zika RNA segment is CAUGUGUGACGCCACCAUGA Original segment: CATGTGTGACGCCACCATGA Complement segment: GTACACACTGCGGTGGTACT
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # File name: substitution.pl # # The binding operator =~ binds a scalar expression to a pattern match. # s/ / / changes the occurrence of string (pattern) in the first # cell to the corresponding string in the second cell. # s/ / /g acts globally by changing all occurrences. # The code below cleans up a segment of DNA in genbank format and # highlights the start codon ATG. # # Version: 2.1 # Authors: H. Kocak and B. Koc, University of Miami # References: # http://perldoc.perl.org/perlop.html#Binding-Operators # http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/s.html # http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/226377833?report=genbank # ------------------------------------------------------------------ my $zika_DNA = "601 catgtgtgac gccaccatga gttatgagtg"; print "Original Zika DNA\t\t: $zika_DNA \n"; $zika_DNA =~ s/ //; print "Replace space with nothing\t: $zika_DNA \n"; $zika_DNA =~ s/ //g; print "Replace spaces with nothing\t: $zika_DNA \n"; $zika_DNA =~ s/atg/ATG/; print "First substitution\t\t: $zika_DNA \n"; $zika_DNA =~ s/atg/ATG/g; print "Global substitution\t\t: $zika_DNA \n"; $zika_DNA =~ s/[0123456789]//g; print "Replace numbers with nothing\t: $zika_DNA \n";[csc210@boston myPerl]$ ./substitution.pl Original Zika DNA : 601 catgtgtgac gccaccatga gttatgagtg Replace space with nothing : 601catgtgtgac gccaccatga gttatgagtg Replace spaces with nothing : 601catgtgtgacgccaccatgagttatgagtg First substitution : 601cATGtgtgacgccaccatgagttatgagtg Global substitution : 601cATGtgtgacgccaccATGagttATGagtg Replace numbers with nothing : cATGtgtgacgccaccATGagttATGagtg
$number_of_C = ( $DNA_sequence =~ tr/C/C/ );captures the numbers of Cs in the string $DNA_sequence and and records it in the variable $number_of_C. Now, write a Perl code that prints out the percentages of the four nucleotides A, C, G, T in the following segment of the breast cancer gene BRAC2:
gggtgcgacg attcattgtt ttcggacaag tggataggca accactaccg gtggattgtc
@nucleotides = split( //, $DNA_sequence );breaks up the $DNA_sequence into individual nucleotides and stores them as an array. Complicated splitting patterns can be specified using "regular expressions." In the example statement, the pattern // splits on nothing.
The join function combines all elements of an array into a single string with a specified separator between cells. For example, the statement
$DNA_sequence = join( '', @nucleotides );will convert the array @nucleotides back to a string. The join is useful in combining lines of a genome or protein file into a single string. Also it can be used to output a list of items separated by, say, tabs, for inclusion in a spread sheet; consult Perl documentation and the references for further information.
Now, write a short Perl code that takes the string
my $BRAC2_seq = "gggtgcgacgattcattgttttcggacaag";prints it; converts it to an array using split and prints the array; reconverts the array back to a string using join and prints the string. Do you get the original string?
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # File name: if_else.pl # # if(EXPR){ # # } # else{ # # } # If EXPR is TRUE the first block is executed, otherwise the second # block following else is executed. # Code below determines if the first codon in a DNA segment # is the start codon "ATG" or not and reports the result. # # Version: 2.1 # Authors: H. Kocak and B. Koc, University of Miami # References: # http://perldoc.perl.org/perlsyn.html#Compound-Statements # ------------------------------------------------------------------ my $DNA_segment = "ATGACATGA"; my $codon1 = substr($DNA_segment, 0, 3); if( ($codon1 eq "ATG") ) { print "Codon $codon1 is a start codon. \n"; } else { print "Codon $codon1 is not a start codon. \n"; } print "Done!\n";[csc210@boston myPerl]$ ./if_else.pl Codon ATG is a start codon. Done!
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # File name: if_elsif.pl # # Code below determines if the last codon in a DNA segment # is the start codon ATG or one of the stop codons TAA, TAG, or TGA; # or none of the above. # # Version: 2.1 # Authors: H. Kocak and B. Koc, University of Miami # References: # http://perldoc.perl.org/perlsyn.html#Compound-Statements # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNA_codon_table # ------------------------------------------------------------------ my $DNA_segment = "ATGACATGACCAATC"; my $codon = substr($DNA_segment, -3, 3); if( ($codon eq "ATG") ){ print "Codon $codon is a start codon \n"; } elsif( ($codon eq "TAA") or ($codon eq "TAG") or ($codon eq "TGA") ){ print "Codon $codon is a stop codon \n"; } else{ print "Codon $codon is neither a start nor a stop codon \n"; } print "Done! \n";[csc210@boston myPerl]$ ./if_elsif.pl Codon ATC is neither a start nor a stop codon Done!
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # File name: while.pl # # while (EXPR){ # # } # while loop iterates the block as long as EXPR remains TRUE. # Code below first computes the reverse strand of a DNA segment using # Perl's reverse() function. Then, using a while loop develops an # algorithm to reverse a string. # # Version: 2.1 # Authors: H. Kocak and B. Koc, University of Miami # References: # http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/while.html # http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/226377833?report=fasta # http://www.as.miami.edu/prismrsvp/ # ------------------------------------------------------------------ my $zika_DNA = "CATGTGTGACGCCACCATGA"; print "Original\t $zika_DNA \n"; my $reversed_zika_DNA; $reversed_zika_DNA = reverse($zika_DNA); print "Reversed\t $reversed_zika_DNA \n"; my $length_zika = length($zika_DNA); my $index = $length_zika - 1; my $reversed; while( $index >= 0 ){ $reversed = $reversed.substr($zika_DNA, $index, 1); $index = $index - 1; } print "Ours\t\t $reversed \n";[csc210@boston myPerl]$ ./while.pl Original CATGTGTGACGCCACCATGA Reversed AGTACCACCGCAGTGTGTAC Ours AGTACCACCGCAGTGTGTAC
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # File name: foreach.pl # # The foreach loop steps through an array, performing one iteration # for each value in the array. # Code below prints out all codons starting with T. # # Version: 2.1 # Authors: H. Kocak and B. Koc, University of Miami # References: # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNA_codon_table # http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/foreach.html # ------------------------------------------------------------------ my @bases = ("T", "C", "A", "G"); foreach my $base (@bases){ print "$base "; } print "\n"; print "Codons starting with T: \n"; foreach my $second_base (@bases){ print "Codons starting with T$second_base:\n"; foreach my $third_base (@bases){ print "T$second_base$third_base\n"; } } print "\n";[csc210@boston myPerl]$ ./foreach.pl T C A G Codons starting with T: Codons starting with TT: TTT TTC TTA TTG Codons starting with TC: TCT TCC TCA TCG Codons starting with TA: TAT TAC TAA TAG Codons starting with TG: TGT TGC TGA TGG
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # File name: for.pl # # Syntax of the for loop for iterations: # for (initialization; test; increment){ # # } # # int() returns the integer part of a decimal number. # # Problem: Assume the population of Florida sandhill cranes grows by # 1.94% annually. If we start with a population of 425 birds, how big # will the population be after 28 years? Using a for loop, code below # computes and prints the population sizes for 28 years. # # Version: 2.1 # Authors: H. Kocak and B. Koc, University of Miami # References: # https://sora.unm.edu/sites/default/files/journals/jfo/v061n02/p0224-p0231.pdf # https://www.swfwmd.state.fl.us/education/interactive/springscoast/sandhillcranes.shtml # http://perldoc.perl.org/perlsyn.html#Compound-Statements # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Initial population and growth rate my $population = 425; my $growth_rate = 0.0194; for (my $year = 0; $year <= 28; $year++) { print "At year $year, the population is ", $population, "\n"; # print "At year $year, the population is ", int($population + 0.5),"\n"; $population = $population + $growth_rate * $population; }[csc210@boston myPerl]$ ./for.pl At year 0, the population is 425 At year 1, the population is 433.245 At year 2, the population is 441.649953 At year 3, the population is 450.2179620882 At year 4, the population is 458.952190552711 At year 5, the population is 467.855863049434 At year 6, the population is 476.932266792593 At year 7, the population is 486.184752768369 At year 8, the population is 495.616736972075 At year 9, the population is 505.231701669334 At year 10, the population is 515.033196681719 At year 11, the population is 525.024840697344 At year 12, the population is 535.210322606872 At year 13, the population is 545.593402865446 At year 14, the population is 556.177914881035 At year 15, the population is 566.967766429727 At year 16, the population is 577.966941098464 At year 17, the population is 589.179499755774 At year 18, the population is 600.609582051036 At year 19, the population is 612.261407942826 At year 20, the population is 624.139279256917 At year 21, the population is 636.247581274501 At year 22, the population is 648.590784351227 At year 23, the population is 661.173445567641 At year 24, the population is 674.000210411653 At year 25, the population is 687.075814493639 At year 26, the population is 700.405085294815 At year 27, the population is 713.992943949535 At year 28, the population is 727.844407062156
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # File name: count_with_hashes.pl # # Code below counts the number of each codon that appears in a DNA # segment. # # Version: 2.1 # Authors: H. Kocak and B. Koc, University of Miami # References: # http://perldoc.perl.org/perldata.html # http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/224004157?report=genbank # ------------------------------------------------------------------ my %codon_count; my $DNA_seq = "gggtgcgacgattcattgttttcggacaagtggataggcaaccactaccggtggattgtc"; print "Sequence: $DNA_seq\n"; my $DNA_length = length($DNA_seq); for( my $index = 0; $index <= $DNA_length - 3; $index = $index + 3){ my $codon = substr($DNA_seq, $index, 3); if(not exists $codon_count{$codon}){ $codon_count{$codon} = 0; } $codon_count{$codon} = $codon_count{$codon} + 1; } my @key = keys %codon_count; my @value = values %codon_count; for (my $i=0; $i < scalar(@key); $i++){ print "$key[$i] => $value[$i] \n"; }[csc210@boston myPerl]$ ./count_with_hashes.pl Sequence: gggtgcgacgattcattgttttcggacaagtggataggcaaccactaccggtggattgtc ggc => 1 ggg => 1 att => 1 tgg => 2 ttt => 1 gat => 1 tcg => 1 gtc => 1 aac => 1 aag => 1 tca => 1 ttg => 1 tac => 1 cgg => 1 tgc => 1 ata => 1 gac => 2 cac => 1
TATAxxxATGxxxTwhere xxx can be any three consecutive DNA bases. That means your program, given some string, should identify if TATA, followed by any three DNA base pairs, followed by ATG, followed by any three DNA base pairs, followed by T can be found in the given string. Check both the forward and reverse complementary strand (reverse complement). Create three examples, one with a DNA string that contains the pattern in the forward strand, one that contains the pattern in the reverse complement strand and one that does not contain it in either strand, to demonstrate how the program works. Please include print statements that identify each different case and the position of the pattern in the string, if found.
x[n+1] = r * x[n] * (1.0 - x[n])governing the growth of a single population with non-overlapping generations. Here, r is the growth rate and x[n] is the density of the n-th generation. Fix the growth rate and the initial population density as
r = 3.73 and x[0] = 0.43.Write a Perl program that computes the population densities for 12 generations using a while statement, and prints out each generation and its population density on a separate line for all 12 generations.
Now, write a second Perl program that accomplishes the same task using a for statement.
my %restriction_enzymes = ("EcoRI" => "GAATTC", "AluI" => "AGCT", "NotI" => "GCGGCCGC", "TaqI" => "TCGA");Write a Perl code to determine if the DNA sequence
my $DNAseq = "GGCGATGCTAGTCGCGTAGTCTAAGCTGTCGAGAATTCGGATGTCATGA";will be cut with any of these restriction enzymes. Print out the location (index) of the recognition sites in the DNA sequence. For this problem, you should loop through the keys of the hash variable.
Run your program several times. Do you get the same random sequence? Unlikely! For certain simulations, it may be necessary to use the same random sequence. Consult the documentation on how to set the seed of the srand Perl function.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # File name: scope.pl # # With use strict; the scope of a variable is from the point of # declaretion to end of the block it is declared in. # Code below illustrates concept of scope of variables with a naked # block { } and a for loop. # # Version: 2.1 # Authors: H. Kocak and B. Koc, University of Miami # References: # http://perldoc.perl.org/strict.html # ------------------------------------------------------------------ my $RNA = "AGU"; my $length_RNA; $length_RNA = length($RNA); print "Before block: length = $length_RNA \n"; { my $RNA = "UGGAUG"; $length_RNA = length($RNA); print "Inside block: length = $length_RNA \n"; } $length_RNA = length($RNA); print "After block: length = $length_RNA \n"; print "\n"; my $i = 200; print "Before for loop: i = $i\n"; for(my $i = 0; $i < 6; $i++){ print "Inside for loop: i = $i\n"; } print "After for loop: i = $i\n";[csc210@boston myPerl]$ ./scope.pl Before block: length = 3 Inside block: length = 6 After block: length = 3 Before for loop: i = 200 Inside for loop: i = 0 Inside for loop: i = 1 Inside for loop: i = 2 Inside for loop: i = 3 Inside for loop: i = 4 Inside for loop: i = 5 After for loop: i = 200
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # File name: subroutines.pl # # Arguments (parameters) passed to a subroutine are automatically # stored in a special array named @_ which is private to the # subroutine. For example, statement my ($arg1, $arg2) = @_ # creates two private variables and sets their values. # Subroutine below takes a DNA segment and returns the corresponding # RNA segment as a string. # # Version: 2.1 # Authors: H. Kocak and B. Koc, University of Miami # References: # http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/226377833?report=fasta # http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/sub.html # ------------------------------------------------------------------ my $zika_DNA_segment = "AGTTGTTGATCTGTGTGAGTCAGACTGCG"; print "Zika DNA segment is $zika_DNA_segment. \n"; my $zika_RNA_segment; $zika_RNA_segment = DNAtoRNA($zika_DNA_segment); print "Zika RNA segment is $zika_RNA_segment. \n"; # *********************************************** # DNAtoRNA # *********************************************** # This subroutine takes a DNA sequence and returns # corresponding RNA sequence. # In : DNA sequence as a string scalar variable. # Out : RNA sequence as a string scalar variable. # *********************************************** sub DNAtoRNA{ my ($segment) = @_; $segment =~ tr/Tt/Uu/; return $segment; }[csc210@boston myPerl]$ ./subroutines.pl Zika DNA segment is AGTTGTTGATCTGTGTGAGTCAGACTGCG. Zika RNA segment is AGUUGUUGAUCUGUGUGAGUCAGACUGCG.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; for(my $i = 0; $i < 6; $i++){ print "Inside for loop: i = $i\n"; } print "After for loop: i = $i\n"Modify the code above so that it prints out
Inside for loop: i = 0 Inside for loop: i = 1 Inside for loop: i = 2 Inside for loop: i = 3 Inside for loop: i = 4 Inside for loop: i = 5 After for loop: i = 6
Now modify the subroutine to accept the growth rate as a parameter as well. Test your new code with different growth rates.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # File name: stdin.pl # # The line-input operatoris used to get a scalar value from # the keyboard into a Perl program. # Code below captures a line entered from the keyboard, removes the # new line character "\n", and echoes the line to the screen. # # Version: 2.1 # Authors: H. Kocak and B. Koc, University of Miami # References: # http://perldoc.perl.org/perlvar.html # http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/chomp.html # ------------------------------------------------------------------ my $keyboard_entry; print "Please type something and ENTER: "; $keyboard_entry = <STDIN>; # get the keyboard entry chomp($keyboard_entry); # remove newline character from line print "You typed: $keyboard_entry \n"; [csc210@boston myPerl]$ ./stdin.pl Please type something and ENTER: Perl for Biologists You typed: Perl for Biologists
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # File name: argv.pl # # Command line arguments are provided directly after the name of # the program. The command line arguments are stored in an array # called @ARGV. # $#ARGV is the length of ARGV - 1. # Our program will print out the number and the list of arguments; # will exit if no argument is provided. # Example usage: ./args.pl red blue # # Version: 2.1 # Authors: H. Kocak and B. Koc, University of Miami # References: # http://perldoc.perl.org/perlvar.html # ------------------------------------------------------------------ if($#ARGV < 0) { die "Please provide a command line argument!\n"; } print "First argument is $ARGV[0] \n"; print "Total number of arguments is ", scalar(@ARGV)," \n"; foreach my $argument (@ARGV){ print "$argument\n"; }[csc210@boston myPerl]$ ./argv.pl Please provide a command line argument! [csc210@boston myPerl]$ ./argv.pl Perl Biology First argument is Perl Total number of arguments is 2 Perl Biology
my @input_lines = <STDIN>;If the input is from a file, all the lines in the file are read. If the input is from the keyboard, you need to signal the end of input by typing CTRL-D in Linux or OSX, and CTRL-Z in Windows.
Write a Perl program that reads a list of strings, one per line, and prints out the strings in lexically sorted order.
First, test your program with several lines of input from the keyboard. Next, put your input lines in a file, say input_strings.txt. Now use the Unix redirection operator < to give your file as input to your program:
./my_program.pl < input_strings.txt
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # File name: write_to_file.pl # # Code below opens a file and writes information about a DNA sequence, # in FASTA format. Finally, it reports if the file is created. # You can change the filename to a file of your choosing. # # Version: 2.1 # Authors: H. Kocak and B. Koc, University of Miami # References: # http://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Space_Science/Rosetta/Rosetta_s_comet_contains_i$ # http://https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNA_codon_table # http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/-X.html # http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/open.html # ---------------------------------------------------------------- my $filename = "Rosetta_partial.fasta"; open (FILE_TO_WRITE, ">", "$filename") # ">" to overwrite or die "Cannot open $filename to write: $!"; # ">>" to append print FILE_TO_WRITE ">gi|210|ref|CSC_210.1| Rosetta partial genome\n"; print FILE_TO_WRITE "ATG\n"; print FILE_TO_WRITE "GGT"; print FILE_TO_WRITE "GGC"; print FILE_TO_WRITE "GGA"; print FILE_TO_WRITE "GGG\n"; print FILE_TO_WRITE "TGA"; close(FILE_TO_WRITE); if (-e $filename){ print "Rosetta partial genome is written to $filename file successfully!\n"; }[csc210@boston myPerl]$ ./write_to_file.pl Rosetta partial genome is written to Rosetta_partial.fasta file successfully!
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # File name: read_from_file.pl # # This program opens a file, then reads the file line by line and # prints out the lines to screen. # Program exits if the file does not exist or cannot be opened. # Currently, the file to read is the file containing this code. # You can change the filename to a file of you choosing. # # Version: 2.1 # Authors: H. Kocak and B. Koc, University of Miami # References: # http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/open.html # ------------------------------------------------------------------ my $filename = "read_from_file.pl"; open (FILE_TO_READ, "<", "$filename") or die "Cannot open file $filename : $!"; while (my $line = <FILE_TO_READ>) { print "$line"; } close (FILE_TO_READ);[csc210@boston myPerl]$ ./read_from_file.pl #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # File name: read_from_file.pl # # This program opens a file, then reads the file line by line and # prints out the lines to screen. # Program exits if the file does not exist or cannot be opened. # Currently, the file to read is the file containing this code. # You can change the filename to a file of you choosing. # # Version: 2.1 # Authors: H. Kocak and B. Koc, University of Miami # References: # http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/open.html # ------------------------------------------------------------------ my $filename = "read_from_file.pl"; open (FILE_TO_READ, "<", "$filename") or die "Cannot open file $filename : $!"; while (my $line = <FILE_TO_READ>) { print "$line"; } close (FILE_TO_READ);
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use LWP::Simple; # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # File name: get_fasta_nih.pl # # This program downloads a fasta file from NCBI. # GeneId or accession number and the name of the local file to save in # must be provided as command line arguments. # Example usage: ./get_fasta_nih.pl XM_002295694.1 BRCA2.fasta # You can change the filename to a file of you choosing. # # Version: 2.1 # Authors: H. Kocak and B. Koc, University of Miami # References: # http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/XM_002295694.1?report=fasta # http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK25501/ # http://perldoc.perl.org/perlfaq9.html # ------------------------------------------------------------------ if ($#ARGV < 1) { die "Please supply a GeneId(gi) number and a file name as arguments!"; } my $gi = $ARGV[0]; my $filename = $ARGV[1]; my $url = "http://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/efetch.fcgi"; my $db = "db=nuccore"; my $id = "id=$gi"; my $rettype = "rettype=fasta"; my $retmode = "retmode=text"; getstore("$url?$db&$id&$rettype&$retmode", $filename);[csc210@boston myPerl]$ ./get_fasta_nih.pl Please supply a GeneId(gi) number and a file name as arguments! at ./get_fasta_nih.pl line 23. [csc210@boston myPerl]$ ./get_fasta_nih.pl XM_002295694.1 BRCA2.fasta
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # File name: read_fasta_file.pl # # We will open a file containing information about a DNA sequence, # in FASTA format. Then we will read the file line-by-line, except # line starting with > sign; remove newline characters and concatenate # lines into a single string. # The filename will be provided as a command line argument. # This means that it will be supplied when we run our program, # directly after the name of the program. # Example: ./read_fasta_file.pl BRAC2.fasta # The command line arguments are stored in an array called @ARGV. # $#ARGV is length of @ARGV minus 1. # Our program will exit if the number of arguments is not 1, # or the file does not exist or cannot be opened. # You can change the filename to a file of your choosing. # # Version: 2.1 # Authors: H. Kocak and B. Koc, University of Miami # References: # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BRCA2 # http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/224004157?report=fasta # ------------------------------------------------------------------ if ($#ARGV != 0) { die "Please supply a file name as a command line argument!"; } my $filename = $ARGV[0]; open (FILE_TO_READ, "<", "$filename") or die "Cannot open file $filename : $!"; my $sequence; while (my $line = <FILE_TO_READ>) { if ($line !~ /^>/) { chomp($line); $sequence = $sequence.$line; } } print "$sequence\n"; close (FILE_TO_READ);[csc210@boston myPerl]$ ./read_fasta_file.pl Please supply a file name as a command line argument! at ./read_fasta_file.pl line 29. [csc210@boston myPerl]$ ./read_fasta_file.pl BRAC2.fasta GGGTGCGACGATTCATTGTTTTCGGACAAGTGGATAGGCAACCACTACCGGTGGATTGTCTGGAAGCTAGCAGCAATGGAGAGACGGTTTCCACACCATCTTGGAGGACATTACTTGACGTACGAGCGTGTGCTGAAACAAATGAAGGGCCGCTACGATAAGGAACTTCGTAATTTCAGACGGCCTGCAGTACGCATAATGCTCAACCGAGATGTTGCAGCGAGTTTGCCAGTCATCTTATGCGTAAGCCAAATCCTTCGATTCAAATCAAGACCGCCAAAAGGAAGTTCTTCCGACGAGATCAAAGAAGAAGTCCGACTGGAGTTGACGGATGGATGGTACTCACTACCTGCTGTAGTGGACGAAATACTGTTGAAGTTTGTTGAAGAAAGGAGAATCGCAGTGGGATCAAAACTAATGATTTGCAATGGGCAGTTAGTTGGATCTGATGACGGAGTGGAGCCTCTCGATGACAGCTACTCATCTTCCAAACGAGATTGTCCTCTATTGCTGGGCATCTCTGCCAACAACTCCCGTTTAGCAAGATGGGATGCAACTCTAGGTTTTGTACCTCGCAACAACTCTAATCTATACGGCGGCAATCTTTTGGTCAAATCCCTGCAAGACATTTTCATCGGCGGAGGTACTGTTCCGGCTATTGATTTGGTTGTTTGTAAGAAGTACCCAAGGATGTTTCTAGAGCAATTAAACGGTGGAGCTTCCATTCATCTTACAGAAGCCGAAGAAGCAGCACGCCAAAGTGAGTACGATTCAAGGCATCAGCGAGCAAGCGAGAGATATGCCGACGATGCTACGAAGGAATGTTCAGAGGTAAGTTCATTGCTGTTCACATTCTTCACTATGAAGCCACTTCCGTTGCTTTGGTACAATCTTGTCACTGACTCATCTTTTGGCGTTCATGATTCGCACAGGAAATCGATGAGGATGCTCCTACTCAGTGGAAAGAGATG
x[n+1] = r * x[n] * (1.0 - x[n])governing the growth of a single population with non-overlapping generations. Here, r is the growth rate and x[n] is the density of the n-th generation. Fix the growth rate r = 3.1 and initial population density x[0] = 0.43. Write a Perl program that computes the population densities for 12 generations and writes them out to a file, each generation and its population density on a separate line, as below:
At year 0, the population density is 0.43 At year 1, the population density is ...
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # File name: motif_match.pl # # Match operator m// looks for PATTERN in STRING; the statement # STRING =~ m/PATTERN/ becomes TRUE if PATTERN is found. PATTERN is # specified using regular expressions. # This program reports if a motif (substring with a specific pattern) # is present in a DNA sequence. # # Version: 2.1 # Authors: H. Kocak and B. Koc, University of Miami # References: # http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/m.html # http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/224004157?report=fasta # ------------------------------------------------------------------ my $DNA_sequence = "AATGAAGGGCCGCTACGATAAGGAACTTCGTAATTTCAG"; my $motif = "ATG.*TAA"; if ($DNA_sequence =~ m/$motif/){ print "Found the motif \n"; } else{ print "Could not find the motif \n"; }[csc210@boston myPerl]$ ./motif_match.pl Found the motif
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # File name: motif_match_memory.pl # # Match operator m/()/ with memory searches for PATTERN in STRING; # the statement STRING =~ m/(PATTERN)/ becomes TRUE if PATTERN is # found; moreover, the found pattern is saved in a special variable # $1. PATTERN is specified using regular expressions. # This program reports if a motif (substring with a specific pattern) # is present in a DNA sequence. # # Version: 2.1 # Authors: H. Kocak and B. Koc, University of Miami # References: # http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/m.html # http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/224004157?report=fasta # ------------------------------------------------------------------ my $DNA_sequence = "AATGAAGGGCCGCTACGATAAGGAACTTCGTAATTTCAG"; my $motif = "ATG.*?TAA"; $DNA_sequence =~ m/($motif)/; if(defined $1) { print "Found the motif $1 \n"; } else { print "Could not find the motif \n"; }[csc210@boston myPerl]$ ./motif_match_memory.pl Found the motif ATGAAGGGCCGCTACGATAA
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # File name: motif_match_interactive.pl # # Match operator m/()/ with memory searches for PATTERN in STRING; # the statement STRING =~ m/(PATTERN)/ becomes TRUE if PATTERN is # found; moreover, the found pattern is saved in a special variable # $1. PATTERN is specified using regular expressions. # Code below saves a sequence in string and asks the user for a motif. # Program reports if the motif is found in the string. # If a blank line in entered, the program exits. # # Version: 2.1 # Authors: H. Kocak and B. Koc, University of Miami # References: # http://perldoc.perl.org/perlre.html#Regular-Expressions # http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/eval.html # http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/qr.html # http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/224004157?report=fasta # Example motifs to try: ATG ^A.*G ^A.*?G [AT]ATT # * T[AG][AG] AT{2,}G AT{2,}C # ------------------------------------------------------------------ my $sequence = "AATGAAGGGCCGCTACGATAAGGAACTTCGTAATTTCAG"; print "Sequence = $sequence\n"; # In a loop, ask the user for a motif, search for the motif, # and report if it was found. # Exit if no motif is entered. my $motif; while( ) #An infinite loop { print "Enter a motif to search for: "; $motif = <STDIN>; if( $motif =~ m/^\s*$/ ){ # to check for blank line last; # to leave the while loop } chomp($motif); # Remove the newline at the end of $motif # Check if the motif is a legal regular expression eval{ qr/$motif/ }; if( $@ ){ print "Motif $motif is an illegal regular expression! \n"; } else{ # Look for the motif and save it if found. # found motif is saved in special variable $1 $sequence =~ m/($motif)/; if( defined $1 ){ print "I found $1 \n"; } else{ print "I could not find motif $motif \n"; } } } #end of while loop print "Bye!\n";[csc210@boston myPerl]$ ./motif_match_interactive.pl Sequence = AATGAAGGGCCGCTACGATAAGGAACTTCGTAATTTCAG Enter a motif to search for: ATG I found ATG Enter a motif to search for: ^A.*G I found AATGAAGGGCCGCTACGATAAGGAACTTCGTAATTTCAG Enter a motif to search for: ^A.*?G I found AATG Enter a motif to search for: [AT]ATT I found AATT Enter a motif to search for: Bye!
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # File name: motif_match_global.pl # # Match operator m/()/g with memory searches for PATTERN in STRING # globally; the statement STRING =~ m/(PATTERN)/g becomes TRUE if # PATTERN is found; moreover, the found pattern is saved in a special # variable $1. PATTERN is specified using regular expressions. # This program finds all the occurrences of a motif # in a DNA sequence and reports the motifs found, their locations, # and the total number of found motifs. # pos() function returns the location just after the match # the motif in the regular expression (here consists of # substrings of A and/or T of lengths between 3 and 6). # # Version: 2.1 # Authors: H. Kocak and B. Koc, University of Miami # References: # http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/m.html # http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/224004157?report=fasta # ------------------------------------------------------------------ my $sequence = "AATGAAGGGCCGCTACGATAAGGAACTTCGTAATTTCAG"; print "Sequence = $sequence \n"; my $motif = "[AT]{3,6}"; my $matched_motif; #will hold the captured match my $matched_location; #will hold the index of the match my $number_of_matches = 0; #will hold the number of matches while( $sequence =~ m/($motif)/g ) #g is for global, all matches { $matched_motif = $1; $matched_location = pos($sequence) - length($matched_motif); $number_of_matches = $number_of_matches + 1; print "Match $number_of_matches: $matched_motif at $matched_location\n"; } print "\nTotal number of matches is: $number_of_matches\n";[csc210@boston myPerl]$ ./motif_match_global.pl Sequence = AATGAAGGGCCGCTACGATAAGGAACTTCGTAATTTCAG Match 1: AAT at 0 Match 2: ATAA at 17 Match 3: TAATTT at 30 Total number of matches is: 3
AT+C [AT]+ [^AT]+ ((.)(.).*\2\3.*\2\3) ^ACTA{3,}TTT$
Hint: You can test your examples with the program in motif_match_interactive episode with appropriate sequences.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; my $DNA_seq = "AGTTGTTGATCTGTGTGAGTCAGACTGCGACAGTTCGAGTCTGAAGCGAGAGCTAACAACAGTATCAACA"; my $magic_number = 10; while ( $DNA_seq =~ m/(.{1,$magic_number})/g ) { print "$1 \n"; }
TATAxxxATGxxxTwhere xxx can be any three consecutive DNA bases. That means your program, given some string, should identify if TATA, followed by any three DNA base pairs, followed by ATG, followed by any three DNA base pairs, followed by T can be found in the given string. Check both the forward and reverse complementary strand (reverse complement). Create three examples, one with a DNA string that contains the pattern in the forward strand, one that contains the pattern in the reverse complement strand and one that does not contain it in either strand, to demonstrate how the program works. Please include print statements that identify each different case and the position of the pattern in the string, if found.
Report separately the number of occurences for each length value of the segment between the two sequences. For example, you should report the number of times AGGAGG appears directly before ATG, the number of times AGGAGG appears one base before ATG, etc., up to 20 bases between them.
Now test your code with the genomes of
two bacterial chromosomes, both larger than 5MB, one from a
gram-negative bacterium and another from a gram-positive bacterium. For
a gram negative, you could download the genome
of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa,
where for gram positive you could
use Desulfitobacterium hafniense,
or select other genomes of your choice.
x[n+1] = r * x[n] * (1 - x[n])modeling the growth of a single population, where x[n] is the density of the population at n-th generation and r is the growth rate. Fix the growth rate r = 3.1 and initial population density x[0] = 0.43. Write a Perl program that computes the population densities for 20 generations and puts them in an array. Then, print out each generation and its population density on a separate line for all 20 generations.
5'-GTATAC-3' |||||| 3'-CATATG-5'
Create a program that, given a DNA sequence, will output all palindromic DNA sites of length 6 and their location. Test your program with:
Special characters | Meaning |
. | any character, except newline |
\n | newline |
\t | tab |
\s | any whitespace character (space, newline, tab) |
\S | any non-whitespace character |
\d | any digit character |
\D | any non-digit character |
\w | any one word character (alphanumeric plus _) |
\W | any one nonword character |
* | match 0 or more times preceding character or group |
+ | match 1 or more times preceding character or group |
? | match 0 or 1 time |
? | shortest (non-greedy) match |
{ } | repetition |
{ , } | repetition, min to max |
( ) | capture |
( ) | grouping |
\1 | recall the first capture |
\2 | recall the second capture |
\n | recall the n-th capture |
^ | beginning of string |
$ | end of string |
[ ] | any one of set of characters |
[^ ] | except any one of set of characters |
| | alternative |
\ | special or quote |
(?=...) | Positive look-ahead. Matches if ... matches next, but doesn’t consume any of the string |
(?!...) | Negative look-ahead. Matches if ... doesn’t match next |
Regular Expression | Example | Meaning |
AGA | TAGATC | match AGA anywhere |
^AGA | AGATGC | AGA at the beginning |
TAA$ | AAGTAA | TAA at the end |
A.T | AAACTG | A followed by any single character (except newline), followed by T |
A.*T | CATATCT | A followed by any number of characters, followed by T (greedy) |
A.*?T | CATATCT | A followed by any number of characters, followed by T (non-greedy) |
(A.*?T) | CATATCT | capture A followed by any number of characters, followed by T (non-greedy) |
A{5} | TAAAAATC | 5 A's |
TA{2,4}CG | CTAAACGA | T followed by 2 to 4 A's, followed by CG |
[AT]CG | CCTTCGA | either of ACG or TCG |
[AA|CC|TT]CG | ACCCGTA | AA or CC or TT, followed by CG |
A(CG){3}T | GACGCGCGTA | A followed by 3 CG's, followed by T |
((.)(.)\3\2) | GAATTAC | capture 4 consecutive characters, 1st and 4th, and 2nd and 3rd the same |
A\.T | TCGA.TAA | A followed by . and T |
AAA(?=TAG|TGA|TAA) | TAAATGAT | AAA if followed by TAG or TGA or TAA |